Module Overview

Business Research Methods

The Business Research Methods Module is a mandatory requirement for the award of a master’s at Level 9 NQAI. The research report (including a company project, dissertation or research article) must contain appropriate primary research and this module is designed to facilitate students in understanding Business Research Methods and enabling them, through a research skill development, to commence their independent research. This module is designed to help students deal with the issues around the setting and development of research objectives, embarking on a research process, evaluating and selecting appropriate methodologies (including methods) and the arrival at a sound rigorous conclusion.

This module is structured so as to give the student a systematic understanding of the different forms of research available to them during the research process. This module will help the student comprehend and have an appreciation for the Philosophy of Research debate. Students will be able to critically evaluate the importance and relevance behind their own decisions during the research process.

On completion of this module, the learner will have;

  • selected and developed a specific research topic
  • formulated research objectives and/or hypotheses
  • critically reviewed a gap in knowledge from a literary and methodological perspective
  • developed a working theoretical framework grounded in literature

Students will be able to critically evaluate the importance and relevance behind their own decisions during the research process. The student will have gained skills necessary to satisfactorily complete a full Research Proposal/Commencement Document relation to the specific Research Report. These skills will also allow the student to continue a self-directed process to complete their own primary research, through to the submission of final reports i.e. Dissertation, Company Project (group or individual), Business Plan or Research Article.

This module will run in the first semester after which students will submit a Research Proposal or appropriate commencement draft. This document including continuous assessments will represent 100% assessment for this module and will reflect closely the specific sections of the module covered in class. Students will be in a position to continue a constructive dialogue about their research, in whatever form it will take, with individual supervisors and mentors.

This module will be delivered and assessed to accommodate demands from different individual streams, however the core research process that underpins all subsequent research reporting styles i.e. primary research dissertation, company projects (groups or individual), business plans and research articles, will underpin the material that will be covered throughout the module. The assessment of a research proposal or commencement document while common to all will facilitate differing reporting styles.

The aim of this module is to give the student/group a chance to focus on an independent journey of inquiry at Level 9. This module is to enable the student to undertake a learning ‘journey’ which is largely self-directed and self-motivated once they commence their dissertation, one which is substantially different to the teaching led experience encountered to date.

This allows the student, with the subsequent support of an assigned supervisor or mentor, the opportunity to integrate the various dimensions and domains of knowledge acquired (across the master’s programme), as well  as utilising the research methods acquired in the Business Research Methods Module, and so becomes a capstone subject.

It also offers the chance to concentrate on, and specialise in, a subject discipline and/or sectoral field, which may be of interest to the student and which may subsequently become a focus of career aspirations. This module also aims to encourage students to develop a commitment to independent research.

The aim of this module is to facilitate students toward understanding the relevance underpinning research with a strong appreciation for research rigour. This module will help students prepare their Research Proposal and to equip them with knowledge of the research approaches that they may choose for their dissertation process.

Module Code


ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

This course will look at the broad Research Process and assist students toward completing their Research Proposal/Commencement Document and ultimately their research report. Of course, the proposal and final report can reflect different reporting styles.


Setting the Research Topic Research Goal / Objectives Starting to Write

Academic Writing and Honing Research Skills Substantiation of research strategy

Reading week / submission of brief Fieldwork design

Qualitative (Gathering & Analysis) Quantitative (Gathering & Analysis)

Presentation of Research findings/submission of qual and quant challenges Preparation of research proposal


**these are indicative only as each dissertation is dependent on the research topic selected by the student

Setting the Research Topic Research Goal / Objectives Starting to Write


Academic Writing and Honing Research Skills Substantiation of research strategy


Reading week / submission of brief Fieldwork design


Qualitative (Gathering & Analysis) Quantitative (Gathering & Analysis)


Presentation of Research findings/submission of qual and quant challenges


Preparation of research proposal


The method of instruction is designed to ensure and support the student so he/she will be in a position to select a research topic, choose a research paradigm and progress to a final Dissertation.


Lectures and E-Learning Activities: This course will be delivered in a supported online environment. Lectures will provide the basis for starting research toward completing the Research Proposal, (and ultimately the reported Dissertation or Company Project as is seen fit by individual programmes). Lectures and workshops from the Business Research Methods Module will feed directly into the assessments that students are expected to subsequently complete. Completion of all pre-recorded lectures and e-learning activities such as MCQs, reflections and interactions are mandatory.


Virtual Pods: Specific discussion topics that relate to the research processes being considered by the students will be set within Virtual Pods of five students from the same programme. This will allow for socialised learning experiences with cross-fertilisation of ideas as well as brainstorming to clarify possible research objectives, strategies and data collection techniques.


Literature: Class discussion will be driven and supported by appropriate academic and trade-based literature. This will support the student’s self-directed and directed learning activity.


Online Learning: All supporting literature and materials will be made available to students through a computer-based system. The use of online, interactive pedagogical tools is mandatory and is used in assessments for submission and correction. The use of online search engines, online library facilities forms a significant part of computer-based learning and research. TU Dublin Library provide computer-based sessions as a support to this class.


Virtual Office Hours: Pods or individuals can meet with the lecturer online during these hours to ask questions, debate and find out more information on specific topics.


This is a 5 ECTS module which aligns with 100 learning hours. This is not a self-directed module and most learning hours are comprised of core learning activities, reading, assessments and skill building-activities.

The breakdown of time spent on the module is as follows:

Lectures and E-Learning: 40 hours

Assessment: 60 hours as shown:

  • Virtual Pod Submissions (10 hours)
  • Research Brief (20 hours)
  • Project Proposal (12 -15 pages) 30 hours

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100