Module Overview

Understanding Behaviours that Challenge

The aim of the module is to support the students understanding of challenging behaviour in the social care context. The module will provide the student with knowledge, skills and understanding of values to enable effective, human rights based responses to challenging behaviour. The role of reflective practice and self-awareness will be explored. The role of agency and life choices for the client groups will be explored, including the power dynamic. Exploring theories and models of behaviour support, linked with holistic approaches and reflective practice, will support the development of a comprehensive understanding of working in an ethical way. The evaluation of interventions will allow for the development of critical thinking in relation to behaviours that challenge. Due to the dynamic nature of this module the content may be modified or expanded to reflect new developments. A minimum of 75% attendance is required for this module. In order to progress, all components of module assessment must be passed by students – failure to successfully to complete any component will require repeat assessment/exam.

Module Code

BEHV H3010

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Using self-reflection for personal and professional development

Review of reflective practice frameworks. Critical self-reflection. Exploring self-efficacy, fixed action patterns of behaviour, locus of control, authority and power, the Milgram and Stanford experiments, cognitive dissonance, personal reflection, beliefs, values, positive self-talk, attitudes and habits and group dynamics. Reflecting on experience from practice.

Comprehensive Assessments and Advanced Support Strategies

The role of assessments, including functional assessments in supporting individuals. Examination of behaviours through diagnosis, trauma, multidisciplinary assessments and reports, behavioural assessments, functional analysis of behaviour, risk assessments, incident analysis and safe guarding. The importance of a multidisciplinary team.

Theories and Models of Positive Behaviour Support

Biological, Behavioural, humanist, biopsychosocial approaches. Causes and responses to challenging behaviour. The role of assessments, including functional assessments in supporting individuals. Evaluating these models using practice examples. Up to date research on the topic.

Ethics and Human Rights based Approaches

Restrictive practices, Capacity legislation, UN Convention on Human Rights, Humane and Least Restrictive Environment, advocacy, human rights committee. Role of the social care agency, policies and proceedures.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100