Module Overview

Facilitating the Arts in Social Care Work

To equip students to facilitate activities in Applied Art & Music and Drama during workshops. They will reflect on their personal journeys while continuing to participate in Applied Art & Music & Drama workshops and lectures They will acquire further practical skills in Applied Art, Music & Drama, which will benefit them when they are working in a Social Care environment To develop upon the student’s knowledge of music, applied art and drama for special needs. Arts is an ongoing subject, so the syllabus content will be expanded or modified as necessary, to reflect developments in the Arts as set out in this module. In order to progress, all components of module assessment must be passed by students – failure to successfully to complete any component will require repeat assessment/exam. 75%Attendance is required for this module.

Module Code

ARTM H4001

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Peer teaching

Students will facilitate a variety of artistic activities in class in drama, applied art and music, Class plans are an essential element of this peer teaching. Students will facilitate activities in drama, Applied Art and music and peer review them.


Students are encouraged to develop practical skills in artistic endevours. They will write reflections on workshops attended. They will demonstrate their own creative skills and reflect on a variety of theories of creativity.

Application of theories to Practice

The 5 theories of creativity, Psychoanalytical, Mental illness, Psychoticism, Addiction & Humanistic theories. People who because of or as a result of a variety of mental disabilities, achieved great heights in their creative achievements, e.g. Beethoven and Einstein. Students will be taught how to gain the confidence to facilitate a variety of creative activities, for mainstream and special needs service users in a variety of social care settings. Understanding of movement and the body as a means of communication, e.g. Laban's theory. Effective communication and observational skills to recognise and deal with problematic behaviour in advance for a wide selection of individuals and groups in a variety of social care settings

Acquisition of Practical Creative Skills

Students will extend their knowledge and competency in creative and recreational activities through experiential workshops, in Applied Art, Drama and Music. They will engage in activities such as playing a variety of percussive instruments, following instructions in music ensemble, turn taking and following musical beat. Explore and develop better Active Listening skills. Development of the voice as a means of engaging and communicating with Service Users. Choice of Language in a professional Social Care setting. In mindfulness activities students will explore activities such as calligraphy, knitting, drawing, storytelling, 'show & tell', role play, music and song, to explore the past and to connect with the present.

Creative activity

Students will engage in Creative Activity such as making puppets, masks, props etc. They will develop and more fully explore creative interventions by for example writing, rehearsing, performing and reflecting on a play that explores social themes such as discrimination, crime and its effects, bullying and diversity.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100